I miss taking photos with my DSLR – to be honest, I stopped taking photos when I literally broke my 50mm lens. Well – today I decided to bust it out this Friday with intentions of photographing pictures for a contest I wanted to enter, also I figured it’d be the perfect way to capture creatures from far away.
But as I took pictures, I found myself asking, why the heck did I ever stop taking pictures? So I thought I’d share some of my results. Check out my latest shots capturing nature’s beauty, featuring Iguanas and Squirrels, friends in eco-systems.
Iguanas and Squirrels, friend eco-systems
ABOUT Iguanas and Squirrels
I have a family of squirrels and Iguanas that share a palm tree, it sounds weird. But I guess it works for them because in the 4 years I’ve lived here they’ve co-existed, but I’ve never been able to capture their native habitat!
While I love the pictures with the Squirrel and Iguanas, my favorite hands down has to be this one featuring the three Iguanas, it was funny how he popped his head around the corner, as if he felt like he was missing out on the photoshoot going down, it’s almost as if they knew I was taking pictures of them.
Anyway, what is something that you’ve been wanting to do recently that you’ve been putting off? For me, it’s using a lot of the tools I have at my disposal such as my DSLR camera! I was so impressed with these photos that I might look into replacing that 50mm lens for more photo options, for now, I’ll indulge in faraway shots. So I guess expect more pictures of nature from me!
& Happy Friday everyone!